i got some wonderful surprises too. besides all the bath and body goodies i got DIAMONDS!! black and white ones and they are beautiful! i also got my FAVORITE movie from my childhood:

we all curled up last night and watched it together. i have always dreamed of sharing my favorite things with my children, words can't even begin to describe how good it feels to actually be doing it!
but right now we are smack dab back in our reality: we woke up to a puking little boy - not the flu, just his behavior. he got in a little trouble last night before bed so he woke up puking a few hours later. sometimes i wonder if his timeouts are worth it considering i always get more punished in the end!!! but the puking episodes are fewer and farther between now. i think he is getting the hang of life - sometimes good, sometimes bad - nothing worth puking over!!
now i'm off to start my day! goddess let it be a good one!
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