1. existing perpetually; everlasting, esp. without significant change.
2. intended to exist or function for a long, indefinite period without regard to unforeseeable conditions: a permanent employee; the permanent headquarters of the United Nations.
3. long-lasting or nonfading: permanent pleating; permanent ink.**
today is the 14th anniversary of my sister's passing. 14 years ago i lost a piece of me. i became less of me in a way i will never be able to fix, cover up, or separate from. 14 years ago i lived through what would be one of the most significant days of my life. she did not. and everyday since i have a tried, desperately, to fill the permanent void left by her absence.
today i recognize the folks in my life who may or may not know exactly how much you helped shape who i am today. the moments i shared with you, before or after she left, have been the things that have given joy where it was lost, laughter when i couldn't hear it, and love when i needed it most. to you my friends, both new and old, family both by blood and by choice, i want to say thank you. thank you for sharing more of you when you knew there was less of me.
sometimes we get so caught up in the hustle and bustle of our own lives, our own loss, our own joy, we can forget that in each moment we have a chance to affect the life of someone else. it's the simple things - like for me the quick hellos, phonecalls, letters, mixed tapes, late night hyperion runs and stops at denny's back then. now it's the quick emails, ecards, texts, funny faxes, and facebook comments that keep us connected. but these simple things can make a dark day a little more brighter for people in our lives. keep being that bright light for those in your life. let others be that light for you.

today i recognize the folks in my life who may or may not know exactly how much you helped shape who i am today. the moments i shared with you, before or after she left, have been the things that have given joy where it was lost, laughter when i couldn't hear it, and love when i needed it most. to you my friends, both new and old, family both by blood and by choice, i want to say thank you. thank you for sharing more of you when you knew there was less of me.
sometimes we get so caught up in the hustle and bustle of our own lives, our own loss, our own joy, we can forget that in each moment we have a chance to affect the life of someone else. it's the simple things - like for me the quick hellos, phonecalls, letters, mixed tapes, late night hyperion runs and stops at denny's back then. now it's the quick emails, ecards, texts, funny faxes, and facebook comments that keep us connected. but these simple things can make a dark day a little more brighter for people in our lives. keep being that bright light for those in your life. let others be that light for you.

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