Saturday, April 25, 2009

yes, i'd like some cheese with my whine.

i am sitting here drinking my first AM cup of coffee. i am drinking it from the mug i purchased on vacation to help me remember how it felt to be there. today i find that a hard thing to do. my house is covered in vacation mess and apathy. i can't seem to muster any energy. i found my self saying yesterday in response to the question are you ok?: "i sure am in a funk for someone who has evrything going for them. i mean really, things are really good."

so why do i feel so stuck? i keep telling myself my body has put itself in a "resting" mode so that i will be ready to conquer what comes next. last summer with the kids was awesome. i can only imagine how fun this summer will be! work will change for the summer, no longer working in a school daily. and most importantly i start going back to school for myself soon. i am only two courses away from finishing up my bacherlors and will immediately delve into the masters program. i can not wait.

perhaps i'm just exhausted from all the excitment. perhaps i'm waiting for that "other shoe to drop". perhaps it's on it's way.

1 comment:

girlysmack said...

I think you are just suffering from your garden-variety post-vacation blues. Nothing too serious.

I am so excited that you're going back to school! Yay for you!