Monday, November 3, 2008

sick and tired and covered in puke

yeah. that pretty much sums up my day. i am the sick and tired one. my son and my house are the ones covered in puke. if he gets sad, he pukes. scared, he pukes. mad, he pukes. pukes, he pukes more. it's great. did i mention he's 8. yeah, so it's alot of puke. and it's purposeful. which makes it even worse. and even though i'm a counselor i have no freaking clue what to do about it or for him.

i. hate. to. puke.

i will go for years without puking. in fact, in the 8 years i've been with laurie i've only puked once. because of horrific food poisoning. i burst all the blood vessels in my left eye. it was horrible. so needless to say cleaning up puke, ALL THE TIME, is totally getting to me.


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